Recircle Awards 2021: don’t forget to vote!

The Recircle Awards is an important initiative aimed at raising awareness on the issues of the circular economy by rewarding, with a prestigious acknowledgement, the commitment in this area by operators belonging to the recycling and tyre retreading sectors.

Up till 5th March 2021, everyone can vote online expressing their preferences and do their part in spreading the word about these circular economy solutions.

Best Tyre Retreader

Best Retreading Equipment / Accessory Supplier

Best Tread Rubber Supplier

NB: you can vote once for each category and per person/email address used.

We trust that the Recircle Awards can be an opportunity to let an increasingly wider audience, even outside our sector, know that tyre retreading is an archetype of a circular green supply chain.

Vittorio Marangoni –  Marangoni group chairman of the board